You are currently viewing Jerry Vito Velasco
Taxpayer Identification Number Card

Jerry Vito Velasco

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Plausable Deniability

Gerardo “Jerry” Vito Velasco has never been an employee of Mapedz Trading in any capacity at any time. Any business transaction conducted by him is not done with the permission of Mapedz Trading. Mapedz Trading is in NOWAY affiliated with ANY BUSINESS DEALINGS with . Any business dealing done by Gerardo “Jerry” Vito Velasco is his sole responsibility and is in NOWAY authorized do any business transactions on bahalf of Mapedz Trading.


Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN): 162-483-139-000

10 Collantes Street, Xavierville Subdivion, Loyola Heights, Quezon City, Metro Manila
24 B. Gonzales, Xavierville Subdivion., Loyola Heights, Quezon City, Metro Manila